
Wulan Tilaar and 15 Inpiring Women on Women of Influence

On Thursday, October 7, 2016, Wulan Tilaar has chosen as one of 16 influencing and inspiring women in culture, creative, and fashion world by France lifestyle department store, Galeries Lafayette Jakarta. With Annisa Pohan, Nicoline Patricia Malina, Mari Elka Pangestu, Ghea Panggabean,

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Celebrating Anniversary Day, 130 Member of Indonesia Bhayangkari Visited KaDO

In commemorate of 64th� Bhayangkari Unity Day, 130 member of Indonesia Bhayangkari visited Kampoeng Djamoe Organik (KaDO) Martha Tilaar on September 27, 2016. Their visitation is warmly welcomed �by Dr. (H.C) Martha Tilaar and all Martha Tilaar Group team.

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Painting Activity and Exhibition in Roemah Martha Tilaar

As its fuction as culture house, Roemah Martha Tilaar regurally held cultural and art activities. One of those that will be held on Sunday, September 11, 2016 is painting exhibition and mass painting activity which will involving 40 painters of Kebumen, Banyumas, Yogyakarta and Solo.

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Sariayu to Support Bunga Penutup Abad Theatre

The Titimangsa Foundation in collaboration with Titian Penerus Bangsa Foundation presents Bunga Penutup Abad on August 25-27, 2016, at Gedung Kesenian Jakarta. Bunga Penutup Abad (The Flower That Ends a Century) is a theatre performance which adapted from Pramoedya Ananta Toer novel,

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Dr. (H.C.) Martha Tilaar�s Achievements in Her 79 Years of Anniversary

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