
As the implementation of Beauty Green, Martha Tilaar Group Participated in BPOM Zero Carbon Programme

Jakarta (31/10) – Since the beginning, Martha Tilaar Group was founded and operated above four company pillars, which are Beauty Culture, Beauty Green, Beauty Education, and Empowering Women. To take notice in culture, environment, education and women empowerment, these are the cornerstone in all Martha Tilaar Group activities, internally or collaboration with external parties. Including when Martha Tilaar Group through Perkosmi participated in BPOM Zero Carbon Programme.

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Creative Collaboration Between Martha Tilaar Group’s Unit Businesses to Distribute Raine Beauty, Smith, Dewi Sri Spa, and PAC Martha Tilaar Products

Jakarta (25/10) – At the end of the year, Martha Tilaar Group is still innovating to develop and explore its potential. This is realized with the start of the distribution program between two unit businesses, which are PT Sinergi Global Servis and PT Tara Parama Semesta in distributing the products of two local brands, Raine Beauty and Smith, and two brands owned by PT Tara Parama Semesta, Dewi Sri Spa and PAC Martha Tilaar.

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Prioritizing Indonesia Natural Resources-based Innovation, Kilala Tilaar Earns a Doctorate Degree

Bandung (2/10)  – At the Graha Sanusi Hardjadinata Padjajaran University Bandung, Kilala Tilaar to run a doctoral promotion trial with a dissertation research report tittled “Purchase Intention Model Based on Product Innovation, Storytelling, Value Co-Creation and Farmer Emporwerment in Indonesia Natural Cosmetic Products”. This dissertation prepared as one of the requirements for completing studies to obtain a doctoral degree in the Doctoral Program of Management Science, Business and Economy Faculty of Padjadjaran University, Bandung.

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Puspita Martha International Beauty School to Launch Work Skills Education Program

On Wednesday (20/9), Puspita Martha International Beauty School has just launched a Work Skills Education Program –Program Pendidikan Kecakapan Kerja (PKK).  PKK is one of the programs held by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Republic of Indonesia that is oriented to work skills development based on the needs of the industries so that the learners will have good competency in certain skills and proven by work competency certificate.

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In Collaboration with Puspita Martha, Sariayu to Beautify Miss Tourism Indonesia 2023

Miss Tourism Indonesia (Putri Pariwisata Indonesia) is one of beauty pegeants in Indonesia that has been held for 15 years, since 2008 to be exact. Miss Tourism Indonesia presented by El John Indonesia Foundation, a non-profit foundation focuses on Human Resources development in Tourism Promotion and the Environment. This year, Sariayu chosen as be the Official Makeup and Hair-do Partner for the event, along with Puspita Martha International Beauty School.

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