SAI Indonesia
PT Sari Ayu Indonesia was originally established from a small-scale Distribution Company to distribute "Sariayu" Products which is headquartered directly in Jakarta.
PT. Sari Ayu Indonesia in Distribution Industry began to develop branches and sales points nationwide to add port folio company where PT. Sari Ayu Indonesia in this period, has 12 branches, 5 Depo and 15 Sub Distributors spread all over Indonesia.
PT. Sari Ayu Indonesia which is already strong in the world Distribution changed the name and changed the company logo into PT. SAI INDONESIA, in line with the concept of PT. The new SAI Indonesia, a National Distribution Company, has a new spirit (NEW LOOK SAI) with Tagline: Let us distribute yours! Logistic & Distribution Services. PT. SAI Indonesia began to be trusted to distribute the Multinational Principal Non Martha Tilaar Group. PT. SAI Indonesia is currently growing, has a total of 16 Branches, 7 Depo, 21 Sub Distributors / Agents and 5 Sales Point spread throughout Indonesia.