To Work with Heart, To Create with Earnestness


All things in life need process, nothing is instant. Our successful cannot be reached as easy as we reverse our hand palm. I believe that success is a series of process

Drs. Handiwidjaja | CEO Martha Tilaar Group

For Handiwidjaja, become a part of Martha Tilaar Group (MTG) big family has so much meaning, more than just a work. Here, he learns, creates, shares his knowledges, and perceive live in more earthy way. During 90 minutes interview, there are so mach more that we could know about Handiwidjaja.

“I’ve been known Mrs. Martha Tilaar and her company ever since I worked in Kalbe Farma in 1980s. Then I get an opportunity to get to know her better and become a part of company that she built. It was when the first time I’ve been asked by the company to replace Mr. Hartanto as Operating Director of PT Martina Berto in 1997. Although it was only for quite short moment I became a care taker of PT Martina Berto, because at the same time I still in charge for one of business companies in Kalbe Farma’s beauty division, but to me that appointment is a trust, and for me, trust is a mandatae and opportunity that I should run solemnly. There must be fear and worry, but I’m a risk take kind of person, so I deal every challenge with open heart and mind and of course with willing to learn continiously. And as well when I get back to replace Mr. Hartanto as CEO MTG in 2011, I took the mandate as a trust that I should answer with my best contribution.”